On The Bus

Commuting is one of those things that we enjoy or put up with,
work being the way we pay for play-time. Sometimes commuting
can stretch our minds in unexpected ways …


ON THE BUS                                                                       070 March 30

I pick poems off the floor
while no one is looking
pretend I dropped my transfer
or wanted to scratch my foot
as I don’t want them to know
I found a poem

some are so good
I have to taste them right then
chew them over
suck the juice
catch a sip of John Ashbery
or a morsel of René Char

there maybe a lingering hint
of Atwood’s drone
as I lick and chew
roll the poem over my tongue
and, finally, stick it
under the seat like tired gum

I was recently interviewed by Michael Lee Johnson for his Poets Interviews. Take a look and see what you think.


Those Blue Shoes for ages 7-11 … Weston’s … skill in juggling time past with time present … the plot unfolds with fast-paced action, mystery, suspense and even a ghost. Joan Givner

About Joanna M. Weston

Born in England, she lives in British Columbia. She is married with three sons, Joanna has an MA from the University of British Columbia. She has published in numerous anthologies and in magazines in Canada, the US, UK, and New Zealand, such as Canadian Women's Studies, Convolvus, Endless Mountains Review, Grain, Green's Magazine, Prairie Fire, Spin, Wascana Review, CBC Gallery, and many more...
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